Quantifying vehicles in-service

  • Method developed for using the SRF Logger to quantify the benefits of fuel-reduction technologies in-service
  • Calculate %benefits with high statistical confidence
  • Useful for measuring effectiveness of measures including low-rolling-resistance tyres, low viscosity lubricants, aerodynamic treatments, etc.
  • Solves the problem of measuring small differences between two vehicles in the presence of many large confounding factors such as: payload, route, weather, driver performance, drive cycle, etc.
  • Low RR ‘FuelMax’ tyres use 7% less fuel than ‘Kmax’ tyres
  • Low viscosity engine oil reduces fuel consumption by 2.3%

% fuel saving

Data measured by SRF Logger provides direct measurement of fuel-saving technologies during normal operations. Low RR tyres give 7% reduction in fuel consumption for full 44t lorries.

% CO2e Saving

Equal to fuel saving for most measures

Cost of implementation

Free to members apart from hardware cost (apx. £300 per vehicle)

Implementation strategy

Implement now. Contact Xiaoxiang Na xnhn2@cam.ac.uk