5th International Workshop on Sustainable Road Freight

5th International Workshop on Sustainable Road Freight

Disruptive Innovations in Road Freight Transport Systems

The Centre for Sustainable Road Freight invites you to attend the 5th International Workshop on Sustainable Road Freight Transport.

Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from road freight transport represents a significant challenge with multiple technical, operational and political aspects. Designing, testing and implementation of effective interventions (managerial or technical), and appropriate policy measures need multi-disciplinary, multi-country research.

The Centre for Sustainable Road Freight would like to invite academics, practitioners and policy-makers from all related fields to take part in a debate of these issues – to shape the research agenda and to network with key research groups from around the world. Our ambition is to create an international network of practitioners and researchers working on all aspects of sustainable road freight transport, and to facilitate collaborative research among specialists in the field.

This year the workshop will focus on disruptive innovations in road freight transport systems. On day one, the focus will be on technological, logistics, policy and economic aspects of the transition to electrified road freight transport systems: urban, national and international. The digital revolution in freight transport systems will be the main theme for day two of the workshop.

We invite presentations on ways to improve the sustainability of road freight transport, including, but not limited to:

  • Charging systems and infrastructure for electrified urban and long-haul road freight vehicles
  • Local, national and international policy changes to facilitate the transition to electro- mobility
  • Impact of changing fuel options on supply chain system design and risk management
  • Standardisation and interoperability of freight vehicles and infrastructure
  • Financing models and impact on infrastructure development and maintenance budgets
  • Economic implications of reductions in emission-based tax revenues
  • Other fuel options for sustainable road freight transport
  • The role of data and ICT in sustainable freight transport systems: collection, infrastructure, analytics and exploitation
  • Artificial Intelligence and machine learning in freight transport and logistics systems
  • Digital / shared business models to reduce the demand for road freight transport
  • Freight vehicle automation and platooning

Keynote Speakers: TBC

Download the workshop flyer here

Participants are invited to submit abstracts or posters presenting research investigating the sustainability of the road freight sector. Abstracts focusing on the workshop themes described above are particularly welcome. Papers and posters should focus on recently completed research, or research in progress.

Abstracts of max 1000 words should be submitted by 14th September 2018. Notifications of acceptance for presentations will be sent out by 25th September 2018.

The deadline for poster submissions is 2nd November 2018. Please submit an abstract or a poster by sending it to M.Piecyk@westminster.ac.uk.

  • Per-Olof Arnäs – Chalmers University – Sweden
  • David Cebon – Cambridge University – United Kingdom
  • Phil Greening – Heriot-Watt University – United Kingdom
  • Alan McKinnon – Kühne Logistics University – Germany
  • Maja Piecyk – University of Westminster – United Kingdom
  • Sophie Punte – Smart Freight Centre – Netherlands
  • Ed Sweeney – Aston University – United Kingdom
  • Lóri Tavasszy – TU Delft  – Netherlands

The delegate fee of £150 will include:  meeting notes, refreshments and lunch on both days and conference dinner on the evening of 29th November.

If you have any questions, special requirements or would like further information, please email vl270@eng.cam.ac.uk