Congestion Modelling and Mitigation

Congestion Modelling and Mitigation

1.           Aristidou, A. and J. Lasenby, Real-time marker prediction and CoR estimation in optical motion capture. User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction, 2013. 29: p. 7-26.

2.           Wareham, R., Can we predict England’s traffic?, 2014.

3.           Wareham, R. and N. Kingsbury. Finding Patterns and Predicting England’s Traffic. , 2014, University of Cambridge.

4.           Wareham, R. and N. Kingsbury, Dualtree Complex Wavelet Methods for Optical Tracking of Road Vehicles, in BMVC 2015. 2015: Swansea, UK.

5.           Wareham, R. and N. Kingsbury. Viewpoint Independent Vehicles, 2015, Zenodo: Poster published at SRF Annual Conference.

6.           Wareham, R., T. Roberts, and S. Forshaw, The Dual Tree Complex Wavelet transform library. 2015.

7.           Wareham, R., F. S., and N. Kingsbury, Simultaneous video of a traffic junction from two viewpoints. 2015, University of Cambridge,

8.           Burke, M. and J. Lasenby, Estimating missing marker positions using low dimensional Kalman smoothing. J Biomech, 2016. 49: p. 1854-1858.

9.           Li, D. and J. Lasenby, Managing Motorway Traffic via A Truck-Only Hard Shoulder Running Strategy. sub to IEEE Open Journal of Intelligent Transportation System, 2020. November 2020.

10.         Li, D. and J. Lasenby, Managing Motorway Traffic via A Truck-Only Hard Shoulder Running Strategy, in 7th International Workshop on Sustainable Road Freight. 2020: online.

11.         Li, D. and J. Lasenby, Spatiotemporal Attention-Based Graph Convolution Network for Segment-Level Traffic Prediction. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2021. Accepted March

12.         Li, D. and J. Lasenby, Augmenting Variable Speed Limit with Imagination: An Integrated Model-Free and Model-based Reinforcement Learning Framework. To be submitted, 2021.

13.         Li, D.L., J. Spatiotemporal Attention-Based Graph Convolution Network for Segment-Level Traffic Prediction. in 100th Transportation Research Board conference. 2021. Online: TRB.

14.         Li, D. and J. Lasenby, Mitigating urban motorway congestion and emissions via active traffic management. Research in Transportation Business & Management, 2022. Available online 3 February 2022, 100789. DOI:

15.         Morrison, G., R.L. Roebuck, and D. Cebon, Effect of heavy vehicle size on traffic congestion. IMechE J Mech Eng Sci., 2013. 228(6): p. 970–988. DOI:

16.         Wilson, G., et al. The Comparison between Speed Limit and Fleet Fuel Consumption on Minor Roads.CUED/C-SRF/TR2 2013.

17.         Cebon, D.c.a. The Transport Congestion Challenge, 2015, Royal Academy of Engineering Challenge Paper: London.

18.         Wilson, G., et al., Relationship between heavy vehicle speed limit and fleet fuel consumption on minor roads. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2015. 230(9): p. 1461-1478. DOI: 10.1177/0954406215573038.