Value Chain Lab

Value Chain Lab’s a mission to build a software platform that will improve efficiency of global Supply Chains by removing logistics waste from its clients’ networks. For that goal VCL built a Supply Chain Intelligence platform, the primary purpose of which is to equip users with a state-of-the-art toolkit that enables them to generate insight, find value leakages and identify operational improvement opportunities more effectively.
Our approach and development efforts are grounded on the following set of beliefs:
- True waste can only be sustainably eliminated from a granular level
- Information should be timely and be both historical and forward looking
- Cutting edge analytical tools and technologies will re-define opportunities
- Convenience, mobility and ease of access to the info is the only way forward
- Collaboration across the sector will unlock tremendous potential
VCL and the Centre for Sustainable Road Freight
Leveraging thought leadership and latest analytical methodologies have always been at the centre of the company’s philosophy. With this in mind VCL decided to build on its existing relationship with Heriot-Watt University and join the Centre for Sustainable Road Freight in 2015. In addition to staying up to speed with the latest thinking in this business area, VCL wanted to take a more active role in the Centre’s research agenda and participate in a number of specific initiatives. Emergence and advancements of new technologies, such as Big Data, offer tremendous potential for analytical enhancement of our platform; and subsequently creates opportunities for further cost savings and environmental impact improvements within our clients’ Supply Chain networks.
Benefits of Membership
- Membership provides the opportunity to be at the cutting edge of developments in data analytical methodologies and approaches
- The Centre’s research is aligned with the industry and government priorities, and the topics influenced by the industry partners and specific initiatives
- The Centre also creates opportunities for sharing expertise among its members for mutual advantage and creative development