Online Shopping Policy Briefing Series

Reducing the environmental impact of online shopping and last-mile deliveries 

The Centre for Sustainable Road Freight (SRF) has carried out an evidence-based review of online shopping and last-mile deliveries and, from this, has produced advice and guidance for stakeholders. The following resources are available:

  • A summary report providing general insight for all stakeholders into online shopping and last-mile deliveries, together with summary reports focusing on three sectors: grocery, non-food parcels, and ready-to-eat meals.
  • Single page advice sheets for consumers, online retailers, delivery operators, and policy makers listing the actions they can take to reduce environmental and other negative impacts.
  • A longer report providing more detailed coverage of online shopping and last-mile deliveries in key sectors, the challenges faced, transport implications, wider supply chain issues, and potential actions, together with attribution of all the reference material consulted in the course of the work.