Freight Transport and the Kerbside: The future of loading and unloading in urban areas

The kerbside and demand for kerb space in the UK 

The Centre for Sustainable Road Freight (SRF) has carried out an evidence-based review of the kerbside and the growing demand for kerb space and time in the UK, and, from this, has produced insight and advice for the stakeholders involved in kerbside use and management. The following resources are available:

  • A summary report providing general insight for all stakeholders into the growing demand for kerb space.
  • A summary slide set that provides an overview of the growing demand for kerb use for a variety of activities. It also contains insight into use of the kerb for freight transport operations and provides summary conclusions concerning improvements to current kerbside management.
  • A longer report providing more detailed coverage of the growing demand for kerb space and time in the UK, together with insight into the use of the kerb for freight transport operations including loading, unloading and servicing. It provides a review of studies and trials into kerb use by freight transport and discusses the approaches that could be taken to increase its efficiency. It also discusses technology that is emerging for kerbside management and approaches to developing a kerbside management plan based on a hierarchy of uses to aid kerbside space and time allocation decision-making. It provides a set of recommended actions together with attribution of all the reference material consulted in the course of the work.