

1.           Monroy, A.C., A.A. Skordos, and M.P.F. Sutcliffe, Design selection methodology for composite structures. Materials and Design, 2008. 29(2): p. 418-426.

2.           Monroy Aceves, C., et al., Design methodology for composite structures: A small low air-speed wind turbine blade case study. Materials and Design, 2012. 36: p. 296-305.

3.           Sutcliffe, M.P.F., S.L. Lemanski, and A.E. Scott, Measurement of fibre waviness in industrial composite components. Comp Sci Tech, 2012. 72: p. 2016-2023.

4.           Sutcliffe, M.P.F., et al., Moderate speed impact damage to 2D-braided glass-carbon composites. Composite Structures, 2012. 94: p. 1781-1792.

5.           Lemanski, S.L., et al., Modelling failure of composite specimens with defects under compression loading. Composites 2013. A(48): p. 26-36.

6.           Galos, J., M.P.F. Sutcliffe, and D. Cebon, Design of a Lightweight Road Freight Semi-trailer, in Proceedings of European Transport Conference. 2014: Goethe University, Frankfurt, Germany.

7.           Galos, J.L., Design of a Lightweight Road Freight Semi-Trailer, in European Transport Conference. 2014: Goethe University, Frankfurt, Germany, 29 September

8.           Galos, J.L., Design of a Lightweight Composite Sandwich Panel Semi-Trailer Deck, in NetComposites Conference on Opportunities for Fibre-Reinforced Polymer Composites in Transport Applications. 2014: Derby, UK, 1 October.

9.           J., G., M. Sutcliffe, and D. Cebon, Design of a Lightweight Composite Sandwich Panel Semi-Trailer Deck, in NetComposites Conference on Opportunities for Fibre-Reinforced Polymer Composites in Transport Applications. 2014: The Roundhouse, Derby, UK.

10.         Galos, J., et al., Lightweighting Road Freight Semi-Trailer through the Application of Composites in Trailer Decking, in Proceedings of 20th International Conference on Composite Materials. 2015: Copenhagen, Denmark.

11.         Galos, J., et al., Reducing the Energy Consumption of Heavy Goods Vehicles through the Application of Lightweight Trailers: Fleet Case Studies. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 2015. 41(December): p. 40-49.

12.         Galos, J., M. Sutcliffe, and G. Newaz, Mechanical behaviour of hardwood and composite semi-trailer decking, in ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. 2015: Houston, TX, USA.

13.         Galos, J., M. Sutcliffe, and G. Newaz, Mechanical behaviour of phenolic coated Finnish birch plywood with simulated service damage. Wood Material Science and Engineering, 2016: p. 9pp. DOI:

14.         Galos, J., M.P.F. Sutcliffe, and G. Newaz, Design, fabrication and testing of sandwich panel decking for use in road freight trailers. Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials, 2016. January 1,. DOI:

15.         Galos, J.L., Lightweight trailer design, in Engineering Department. 2016, University of Cambridge: Cambridge. p. 131pp.

16.         Lykakos, S., Lightweight trailer design, in Department of Engineering. 2019, University of Cambridge.

17.         Galos, J. and M.P.F. Sutcliffe, Material selection and structural optimisation for lightweight truck trailer design. Accepted for publication in SAE International Journal of Commercial Vehicles, 2020.

18.         Sawyer, B., Sandwich panel design for trucks, in Department of Engineering. 2020, University of Cambridge.

19.         Madhusudhanan, A.K., et al., Effects of semi-trailer modifications on HGV fuel consumption. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 2021. 92(102717). DOI: